Periodontics and Gum Disease Treatment Specialists in Estepona

periodoncia estepona

The gums protect and support the teeth, as well as the tissues that hold them to the jaws. When they are unhealthy, there is a risk of tooth loss that can affect overall health.

Periodontal treatment is crucial to maintaining oral health and preventing tooth loss due to periodontal disease.

If you think you have gum disease, it is important to consult an expert for diagnosis and treatment.

What is periodontics?

Periodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect the supporting tissues of the teeth, especially the gums and the alveolar bone surrounding the teeth.

These diseases include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and pyorrhoea (a bacterial infection that affects both the bone supporting the teeth and the gums).

What problems can it solve?

When there is inflammation of the tissues that support the teeth, we speak of periodontal disease. It is mainly caused by bacterial proliferation at the junction between the tooth and the gum. It can manifest itself in two ways:

  • Gingivitis: In the initial stages, when it only affects the gums.
  • Periodontitis or pyorrhoea: occurs if the infection spreads to the ligaments and bones that support and surround the tooth.

Periodontal disease affects 80% of the adult population and initially manifests with mild symptoms such as tender gums and bleeding. It can lead to the loss of teeth, which may require implants, although our philosophy is to preserve them as much as possible.

Pyorrhoea usually does not appear suddenly but usually gives warning signs. Causes such as ageing or unresolved gingivitis can lead to pyorrhoea.

It is crucial to see a dentist at the first signs to avoid complications.


If your teeth move, your gums are swollen and bleed when you floss or brush your teeth, you may have periodontal disease.

Gum disease can manifest itself in a number of ways, with bleeding gums during brushing and redness being common symptoms. In addition, it is important to pay attention to signs such as bad breath, sensitivity to cold, “loose teeth” or receding gums, as these could indicate periodontal problems.

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Tartar build-up on the teeth

Treatment of gingivitis and pyorrhoea

To assess whether periodontal disease is present, the first thing we will do is examine you to check the condition of your gums. If your gums are bleeding and red, this is a sign that periodontal disease is present or in progress.

After the evaluation, we will determine whether or not you have periodontal disease and we will indicate the best treatment option.

We then carry out a clinical examination using a periodontal probe and an odontogram.

Once the odontography has been carried out, a periodontogram and a microbiological study are performed, which may be necessary in more aggressive periodontitis.

Thanks to the periodontogram we can establish a personalised treatment plan that is adapted to your individual needs. We then decide which gum treatment is best for you.

The treatment for periodontitis can be:

higiene dental
  • Surgical: Among the treatments that require surgery we may need to perform a laser treatment, a dental crown lengthening or a bone or gum graft.
  • Non-surgical: We treat gingivitis with professional cleaning, while periodontitis requires a treatment called scaling and root planing. This is a procedure performed to clean the deep periodontal pockets, removing plaque and tartar. Its aim is to smooth the root of the tooth to prevent bacteria from building up there again. We achieve this by leaving a smooth, polished surface that makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere.

Our expertise

Our team of periodontists are dentists specialised in this field and are in charge of preventing, diagnosing and treating these diseases, as well as performing surgical procedures to restore the health of the periodontal tissues.

At Dr: Enzo Yurovich’s clinic we are specialists in periodontics in Estepona. We have specialists in dental hygiene who can help you solve your periodontal problems. Early detection is essential to solve them. Contact us to solve it together.

Frequently Asked Questions

The presence of pain and bleeding during brushing are the first warning signs and require a visit to the dentist, as they could be symptoms of inflammation.

A periodontal evaluation is a complete oral health examination that includes inspecting the teeth and gums, assessing plaque levels, evaluating the bone structure, and identifying risk factors.

Los síntomas más comunes de la piorrea suelen incluir sangrado de las encías, inflamación, mal aliento, encías que se separan de los dientes, sensibilidad dental y eventualmente pérdida de dientes.

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Avd. puerta del mar 21, bajo 2, 29680 Estepona

Tel: 952805435


Lunes a Viernes:

09:30 – 14:00 y 16:00 – 20:30

Domingo y sábado: Cerrado


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